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Kykladiske huse som ferieboliger i Tinos

Find og book unikke kykladiske huse på Airbnb

4 af 12 elementer vises
1 af 3 sider
Bedste gæstefavorit
Kykladisk bolig
4,94 ud af 5 i gennemsnitlig bedømmelse, 79 omtaler

Margarita House

In Mykonos, the most famous island in Cyclades, you can find our luxurious group of residences. Mykonos is the island of oppositions, the island that plays between the traditional and the modern element, the island that lives on intense cosmopolitan rhythms maintaining at the same time its unique Cycladic beauty. The visitor can come to the island throughout the year and get a closer look at its incredible beauty, its unique architecture, the splendid beaches and the cosmopolitan environment. The cluster of residences consists of two independent houses. Each residence is fully equipped and comfortable. It has got modern furnishing and a balcony. The cluster of residences consists of two independent houses. Every house has magnificent view to the sea (you can see Delos, Tinos, Syros islands). It consists of two bedrooms, bathroom, living-room, kitchen and balcony, all with modern furniture. Rooms are equipped with air-conditioning, tv, refrigerator, electric cooker, microwave, coffee machine and hair dryer. There is also a garden. Amazing view Calm 5 'minutes driving from the city Amazing view Calm 5 'minutes driving from the city

Kort overblik over cykladiske huse til leje i Tinos

  • Samlet antal lejeboliger

    50 ejendomme

  • Priser per nat fra

    206 kr DKK før skatter og gebyrer

  • Antal omtaler i alt

    1,1 t omtaler

  • Familievenlige lejeboliger

    30 ejendomme passer godt til familier

  • Kæledyrsvenlige lejeboliger

    10 ejendomme tillader kæledyr

  • Lejeboliger med dedikerede arbejdsområder

    10 ejendomme har et dedikeret arbejdsområde